

  • **** PHD STUDENTSHIP ADVERT (INTERNATIONAL AND UK STUDENTS) **** (Deadline 24th June 2024) I have a fully-funded 3 year PhD studentship available on Intelligent Robotics and Virtual Reality. Please apply here.

Research interests

I research human spoken and non-verbal interaction and human-system interaction using Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing/AI techniques, with the aim of improving human-artificial agent interaction in terms of quality and ethical outcomes. I mainly focus on trying to answer the following questions:

For publications and regular senior collaborators please see my Google Scholar page or the Publications page of this site.

If you are interested in doing a PhD with me, please email me making it clear what your interest is. If your interests don't overlap with mine very much (see my papers and projects), unfortunately I can't guarantee getting back to you.

Current Funded Projects

Previous Funded Research:


Research students and RAs. Primary/co-supervisor/PI:

Active second supervisor:

  • Georgia Brown - PhD, The Performed Speech Style of Vivien Leigh
  • Pranjal Jain - PhD, Interactive Technology for Skill and Knowledge Representation and Transfer
Previous Research students:
  • Shamila Nasreen (→Mirpur University of Science and Technology) - PhD, An investigation into interactional patterns for Alzheimer's Disease recognition in Natural dialogues
  • Jorge del Bosque Trevino (→ Nanu) - PhD, Modelling Analogy Deployment for Conversational AI Tutoring Systems
  • Tom Gurion (→ Mintel) - PhD, Head Movement in Conversation
  • Morteza Rohanian (→ University of Zurich) - PhD, Multimodal Assessment of Cognitive Decline: Applications in Alzheimer's Disease and Depression

Previous Experience

From Jan 2018-Jan 2023 I was a Lecturer at the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London, co-coordinator of the Human Interaction Lab (with Pat Healey) and faculty member of the Computational Linguistics Lab within the Cognitive Science research group in the school of EECS. From 2019-2021 I was a Co-Investigator on the Alan Turing Institute grant Learning collaboration affordances for intuitive human-robot interaction (PI Kaspar Althoefer), and was a Turing Fellow throughout this. In 2018, I was a researcher on the SEVERE (SEVErity Detection in REal Care Comments) funded by the Care Quality Commission (PI Matt Purver).

From April 2014-December 2017 I was a Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (post-doc research associate) at Bielefeld University in the Dialogue Systems Group headed by David Schlangen working mainly on the DUEL project, where together with Ye Tian and Jonathan Ginzburg in Paris we investigated disfluency and laughter empirically from real data, by recording and analysing people in conversations which formed the DUEL corpus. The other part of my job was helping to build a virtual coach within the ICSPACE project working with David, Iwan de Kok and Stefan Kopp.

From May 2010-April 2014 I was a PhD student and research assistant in CogSci (or IMC as it was originally) at QMUL with my supervisor Matt Purver. My PhD put self-repair capabilities into incremental parsing and generation. While at Queen Mary I also worked on the DynDial project with Ruth Kempson, Pat Healey, Eleni Gregoromichelaki, Chris Howes and particularly with my supervisor Matt and Arash Eshghi in developing the DyLan dialogue system. I also worked on incremental semantic grammar learning within the RISER project.