
My student office hours at Swansea are listed here.

Taught courses (Undergrad and Postgrad)

This academic year (2023-24) I am teaching Web Application Development in Semester B (Undergrad and Masters).
Previously I taught the following courses at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Bielefeld University:
  • Natural Language Processing (QMUL, Masters) - Module Organiser
  • Interaction Design (QMUL, Undergrad Third Year + Masters) - Co-Module Organiser
  • Procedural Programming (QMUL, Undergrad First Year) - Lab Java Teacher
  • Graphical User Interfaces (QMUL, Undergrad Second Year + Masters) - Module Organiser
  • Advanced Object Oriented Programming (QMUL, Masters) - Lecturer
  • Modelling Conversational Speech: Theory and Practice (Bielefeld, Masters) - Module Organiser

Undergrad/Masters Projects

In general I am happy to supervise Undergrad and Postgrad students interested in Natural Language Processing, dialogue systems, human-human or human-robot interaction.

Invited Summer School teaching

(with Arash Eshghi) NASSLLI 2022 (Los Angeles, CA) course Incremental Language Processing in Dialogue Systems.
(with Arash Eshghi) ESSLLI 2019 (Riga, Latvia) course Incremental Language Processing in Dialogue Systems: A Practical Introduction.

Teaching Qualification

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).